
Coaster vs. Toupee

This is a few days old, but the story is too funny to pass up. Dennis Murphy, a local business owner in Myrtle Beach saw a commercial for Freestyle Music Park’s Time Machine coaster in which a piece of a...

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Hong Kong Disneyland Grows!

Hong Kong Disneyland will soon be seeing a major expansion now that the government and Disney have worked out their issues. Here’s what they’re getting: Grizzly Trail Grizzly Gulch, Frontier Gold-Mining Town The path along Grizzly Trail offers high-spirited frontier...

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Welcome to the new Coaster101

Welcome to Coaster101 Très. Hello and welcome to Coaster101 Très. That’s Coaster101 3, Coaster101 3.0, the third, etc. Why did we decide to call this new Coaster101… Très? While we’re not changing the site’s language, we are changing how the...

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